News & Media

Updates, articles, and news about CSO!

Check out all of the positive press we’re getting!

Common Sense Oncology principles for the design, analysis, and reporting of phase 3 randomised clinical trials

Ian Tannock on Common Sense Oncology principles for phase 3 randomised clinical trials

A checklist for designing and reporting cancer drug phase 3 clinical trials with Bishal Gyawali

CBC Radio - The Current with Matt Galloway and CSO leaders Rachel Koven and Ian Tannock (CSO at 47:00)

Common Sense Oncology Outlines 9 Core Clinical Trial Principles

Oncology News Central: Oncology Group Fighting to Change Cancer Drug Approvals

El País interview with Chris Booth

El País interview with Chris Booth

ASCO Daily News - Common Sense Oncology Aims to Elevate Equity and Accessibility in Cancer Care

CBC Radio - The Current with Matt Galloway.

CBC News: Is extending life by weeks worth the toll some cancer drugs take? Doctors push for 'common-sense oncology'

VCCC Alliance - Common Sense Oncology: Outcomes that Matter with Dr. Deme Karikios

CADTH Lecture Series - Common Sense Oncology: Outcomes that Matter with Dr. Chris Booth

The Walrus - Are We
Losing the War on Cancer?

Dr. Chris Booth - Common Sense Oncology: Moving Back to Outcomes that Matter

WolverHeme Happy Hour Podcast - Common Sense Oncology: Outcomes that Matter with Dr. Aaron Goodman & Dr. Chris Booth

The Accelerators Podcast - "The Emperor is Just Wearing Underwear" with Dr. Aaron Goodman
& Dr. Chris Booth

Onconews - Outcomes that Really Matter: Common Sense Oncology with Dr. Fabio Ynoe de Moraes
& Dr. Felipe Roitberg
(in Portuguese)

Cancer Commons - Curious Dr. George Blog " Common Sense Oncology "

Late Stage Insider: Oncologists Discontent with Sponsored Clinical Oncology Research

The Lancet: Common Sense Oncology: outcomes that matter

The Mirage: Cancer Experts Urging Patient-Centered Care, Not Profits

ecancer: Cancer experts call for cancer care to be centred on patients rather than the commercial bottom-line

Medscape: New Global Initiative Aims to Reform Cancer Trials and Care

Medcial Xpress: Cancer experts call for cancer care to be centered on patients rather than commercial interests

CBC Radio interviews CSO Founder Dr. Christopher Booth

Feature Article in The Globe and Mail - Canada's National Paper!

TV and Media article from CTV - Canadian National news!